 I am back with my story about DLL (Digital Language Literacies) lesson in my class. At this time I am going to tell you about love and hate relationship if using media in teaching and learning english.  I discuss with my group friends about the advantages and disadvantages of the media used.

There are 3 kinds of media that we can use in teaching and learning

1. Print Media
The print media is composed of newspapers, community newsletters, wire services, magezines, and other publications. There are advantages and disadvantages of this media, that is:
a) Advantages
 - Healthier for our eyes, for example when we read a book, our eyes will be healthier than when we see a smart phone or computer screen, because by reading a book our eyes are not exposed to radiation.

 - Easier to us to analyze the content. We can underline the important points.

 - The existance is real

b.) Disadvantages
 - Need costs a lot. When we buy a book or newspaper, we need money to buy it. If we buy a lot of books, of course we will spend a lot of money.

 - Not eco friendly, because paper is made of wood, the wood comes from the forest, if no reforestation , the forest will become deforested. it causes not eco friendly.

 - Sometimes only once use, like newspaper and brochure

2. Broadcast Media
Broadcast media is the most expedient means to transmit information immediately to the widest possible audience, although  the internet currently challenges television as the primary source of news. the advantages and disadvantages is
a) Advantages
- More attractive our focus in learning.
- Massively and effeciently, because the lecture can explain with their laptop, so it will make learning easier.

b) Disadvantages
 - Need Cost
 - There are a lot of ADS
 - Between the teacher and the studentcan not meet face to face. if we don't understand the lesson, we can not ask the teacher about it, it will make it difficult for us in the learning process.

3. New Media
New media means of mass communication using digital technologies such as the internet. the advantages and disadvantages is
a) Advantages
 - Easy to access. We can search for whatever we want to find easily, it's more effective and efficient, if we search with books, we need a lot of time.
 - Can access everywhere and everytime. We can do homework using a smartphone or laptop, and also we can learn anything by sleeping and others.

b) Disadvantages
 - Is not good for our eyes. Staring too long at the screen of a smartphone or laptop can make our eyes tired and sick. That's why new media is not good for eye health
 - Addicted. Addictions cause our dependence on digital devices, so we shouldn't be too excessive when using digital devices.

It is a lesson that I can get yesterday, from that explanation hopefully it will be useful for us, that's all from me, thank you👀


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